Sunday, January 6, 2008

Just Say No To Drugs

In college, there's just too many pranks to do to have fun. Just say no to drugs. You don't need them. Sure, have a glass of fine wine here or there, or a Bartles & James, or perhaps 2 beers, but call it quits after that. And don't touch anything else. No cough syrup. No doozits. No codeine. No nothing. Otherwise, you could turn up like this guy....

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Nutty College Prank

This one is just nuts.

Interrupting Class

Class interruptions have so many deviations.

The Sick Professor Trick

Again, sometimes it's the professors that are funnier than the students.

The Unsuspecting Professor

Here's some advice, do this on someone else's campus, not your own. Then, bring a motor scooter and a Plan B.

Sometimes It's the Teachers Pulling the Pranks

I hope every professor on the planet watches this one. God what a classic.

So Your Mom Works at Staples, Eh?

So your mom has access to like loads and loads of Post-It Notes? You don't say!